
8 thoughts on “Mitt konto

  1. Philippe SUSBIELLES skriver:

    Hi .
    I just placed an order with you.
    Can i tell me how i should pay?
    Best regards from France.

    1. Tellis Katsogiannos skriver:

      Hi Philippe,
      I just replied to your order by email.
      If there is anything else, you can contact us through that email order 🙂

      best regards
      Elsa & Tellis

  2. Jürgen skriver:

    Hej Tellis. Vilka färger är med i paket nr1 på angelhair. Ser bara dom tre första! Dom färgerna vill jag ha men vill ha med orange och rainbow också. Mvh jürgen

    1. Tellis Katsogiannos skriver:

      Hej Jürgen!
      I just sent you an email with good information 🙂

  3. Tom Øvstetun skriver:

    Hei. Får ikke registrert meg, bare mulig å logge inn. Skulle hatt svart og copper cones som passer til 1.8mm inner tube, har du det?

  4. Bret skriver:

    I’m from the US. I’m trying to register I think I have, but it asked for a password, and when I registered it didn’t ask me to make one. I would like to order something, but I only speak English. Love your videos by the way.

    1. Tellis Katsogiannos skriver:

      Hi Bret,
      I can’t seem to find you as a client on our website.
      Not sure what has happened but I encourage you to try one more time from start 🙂

      best regards
      Elsa Antheia

  5. Jürgen skriver:

    Tjena Tellis. Tänkte beställa ett switchspö av dig men dom är ju slutsålda! Vad gör vi då? Mvh jürgen

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