This is the first collected post out of 3, sharing next 4 Friday events, showing what flies will be tied those next 4 Fridays.
The year of 2020 has been a very intense and challenging year for most of us and it does not seem to taken an end anytime soon either. The pandemic has hit us all in many different ways and we need to be strong together, now more than ever! Staying at home for such a long time has proven to be very challenging mentally and physically but it is also the best way of keeping safe. In all of this we need to find ways to keep having fun and living life. Adding to that, we are now having the darkest and coldest period of the year making it even harder to do things that makes us happy. With all this in mind we came up with the idea of having weekly LIVE fly tying lessons, for free! Every Friday at 18.00 (GMT+1) I will host weekly events on Tellis Flugfiske/TSD Fly tackle Facebook page as well as my Instagram account. During these sessions the main focus will be salmon and saltwater flies. A lot of stories related to each fly will be shared, together with techniques and discussions on HOW and WHY.
I will offer packages for each fly that will be tied, for those who might not have all the material needed.
Those packages will be available in the web shop with enough material to tie around 10 flies AND each bag will contain one fly tied personally of me as well.
That means that you can in good time prepare your materials if you want to join in and tie these flies LIVE!
LIVE Fly Tying Packages

In these strange times, support has never been more needed, supporting each other, friends, family and strangers as much as we can, in any way we can! So, we decided to choose 3 different organisations, one for every 4 week period. Each week we will mention that organisation and telling their story.
Tellis Flugfiske will donate 500 SEK to each organisations chosen!
We chose Suicide Zero as our first organisation.

Suicides is a societal problem that requires great efforts and can be preventable. Suicide Zero are doing everything they can to raise the issue and spreading knowledge on how to help. What are the warning signs of mental illness and suicide? What can you do to help someone who is feeling unwell before it is too late? Dare to Ask is an education about how you as a fellow human being and relative get conversation tools to save lives.
Covid-19 has not only hit our physical health, but also our mental health! But there is hope in the strength of the mass, we can do this together!
Are you joining us?
First 4 Fly Tying Fridays

The Autumn fly has become one of my true favorites and is has proven itself to fish great in so many times and places. It has even become a favorite, fishing for Steelhead in Deschutes, Oregon!
Most people has heard of ”The Dee monkey” and I will show you my adaptation of it with a few variations and different materials. These kind off lies works more or less all the time and everywhere.
Coastal fishing for sea trout has become one of the most popular form of fly fishing in Scandinavia. The sea running trout has a big appatite and they always love shrimp! I will demonstrate 2 very easy way to tie effective patterns.

The Grey banana is just one of those flies that was created without any specific plan or scenario, but it has proven itself many times. The grey in the fly makes it ”dissapear” in the right light conditions and my biggest chromed salmon is caught with this fly…
Weekly Collective Post After Each Event
After each LIVE event, a Blog post will be posted few days later with collective content from that event along with video of the fly/flies that was tied.